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  Auction in sealed envelopes  for the establishment of various investment and service activities

The ministry of Housing and Urban Communities

New Urban Communities Authority

New Urban Communities Authority announces providing plots with  different areas (365 m2- 52 feddans ) for sale in an auction in sealed envelopes (technical and financial) for the establishment of various investment and service activities ( integrated urban residential- commercial- administrative- residential administrative commercial - administrative commercial -  recreational administrative commercial - residential recreational administrative commercial - commercial residential - residential administrative - recreational commercial - recreational tourist commercial – administrative bank - nursery – schools- high education (universities and institutes ) – bakery - petrol station – hospital - medical and clinics – social – auditorium – service hotel tourist - clubs "sports and social " – recreational restaurants  - funfairs and recreational projects- tourist village  – hotel - cinema – building materials store – gas store – restaurants chains  )

In the following cities : (New cairo – Al shrouk-  6th  October –Sheikh zayed- New  Aswan - Al sadat - New Menia - New  Beni Sueif – 15th May - New Tiba - New  Salhia - Al obour – Badr - New Asyut – Tourist villages - New Sohag - New Damietta- New Qena - 10th Ramadan- New Noubaria- New Borg Al arab - New Fayoum)

Total area ( feddan ) Total provided plots Urban community Total area ( feddan ) Total provided plots Urban community
68.83 7 Badr 16.02 13 10th Ramadan
39.53 6 New Asyut 5.29 6 New Borg Al arab
2.75 4 New Qena 6.54 7 Al shrouk
3.36 1 Tourist villages 11.55 13 Sheikh zayed

According to the following conditions:

1- Sale will be in an auction in sealed envelopes (technical and financial ) according to the rules mentioned in auction dossier .

2- Clarification session is held on  Monday ( 18/3/2013)   at 10 a.m   in 6th  October city  headquarters   .

3-Offers will be technically evaluated according to the general rules of evaluation mentioned in auction dossier.

4- Submission of offers and opening of technical envelopes will be on Monday ( 8/4/2013) at  12.00 p.m in each city authority headquarter.

5- Auction bond  is between 3000 to 9000 pounds depending on kind of activity and plot location  paid cash or in check in the name of NUCA or an unconditional letter of guarantee issued by a certified bank for the auctioneer. This will be included in the technical envelope .

6- Successful bidders are those who submit technically accepted offers and  the highest square meter price.

7- Price in the financial offer is prompt payment  price but it can be paid as follows :

-  Payment  of 10% of land price in addition of the administrative expenses and the board of trustees expenses during one month starting the date of offer acceptance notice .

-  The outstanding of the price  can be paid  either during 3 months  starting the date of offer acceptance notice  or during 4 years on equal quarterly installments plus National Bank interest rate on payment date as well as .5 %  administrative fees . Interest rate will be calculated starting the offer acceptance date till maturity date. The first installment ( plus interest ) is due three months starting the offer acceptance date . The outstanding installments plus interest will be paid in time bank cheques in the name of the city authority , such outstanding installments will be part of contract documents.

-  Those interested in booking auction dossier will pay LE 1000 (only one thousand Egyptian pounds) starting Monday (4 / 3 /2013) from the above mentioned city authorities headquarters. Clarification session will be only for those who bought auction dossier.

8- Successful candidates must commit to conditions and specifications in auction dossier .

9- Unsuccessful bidders will have their auction bond as soon as evaluation ends .

10- Auction is subject to the provisions of law No. 89 of 1998.  

With  the greetings  of New Urban Communities Authority

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